coding up an app-wide notification system for racemash

date published:

category: dev diary

tags: racemash, formulaone, appwrite, vue, vuetify

Hey folks!

In this post, I’ll show you how I’ve used a custom composable in conjunction with Vuetify’s v-snackbar component to create a notification system I can use across my entire Vue 3 application. Let’s get into it!

Preparing the useSnackbar composable

It consists of two elements - shared snackbar state and a showSnackbar method, for… well, showing the snackabar/notification/alert/whatever you want to call it.

Shared snackbar state

It consists of three properties:

  • visible, a boolean flag, which I’m confident speaks for itself. It should be set to false by default
  • status that can be set to either error or success. It should also dictate the alert’s color and title
  • message to communicate why the notification showed up in the first place

Unlike in the useAuth composable, this time I opted to use a reactive object to hold the snackbar’s internal state, because it made sense to group them.

I did, however, use Vue 3’s toRefs function as the composable’s return value, because accessing, say, message in the actual Snackbar component implies that we’re referring to the snackbar’s state/property. And of course, it’s shorter than writing snackbar.message.

With a proper description in place, here’s how I converted it to actual code:

import { reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';

interface Snackbar {
  visible: boolean;
  status: '' | 'error' | 'success';
  message: string;

const snackbar = reactive<Snackbar>({
  visible: false,
  status: '',
  message: ''

export function useSnackbar() {
  return toRefs(snackbar);

showSnackbar method

Now, while we could technically leave it at that and just manually set each refs value whenever we wanted to display a notification, I believe a more reasonable approach would be calling a showSnackbar method that would accept an object with only the status and message fields (and which would append visible: true behind the scenes) to override the snackbar object.

Here’s how the showSnackbar’s function definition can look like:

const showSnackbar = (options: Omit<Snackbar, 'visible'>) =>
  Object.assign(snackbar, { ...options, visible: true });

Notice the use of Object.assign instead of the = operator. This is because utilising the latter would result in our snackbar object losing reactivity.


AKA what you probably came here for anyway. Enjoy!

import { reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';

interface Snackbar {
  visible: boolean;
  status: '' | 'error' | 'success';
  message: string;

const snackbar = reactive<Snackbar>({
  status: '',
  message: '',
  visible: false

export function useSnackbar() {
  const showSnackbar = (options: Omit<Snackbar, 'visible'>) =>
    Object.assign(snackbar, { ...options, visible: true });

  return { ...toRefs(snackbar), showSnackbar };

Creating and using a custom Snackbar component

In our custom Snackbar.vue component’s script, I should only have to grab all the snackabr’s state refs and create a computed property for displaying the right title based on the status. And it’s as simple as this:

import { computed } from 'vue';
import { useSnackbar } from '@/composables/useSnackbar';

const { visible, status, message } = useSnackbar();
const title = computed(() => (status.value === 'error' ? 'Error' : 'Success'));

This component’s template isn’t too complex either, as it boils down to setting the right props and v-model of the v-snackbar component and adding appropriate tags for displaying the title and message. Take a look:

<v-snackbar v-model="visible" :color="status" vertical>
  <h6 class="text-h6 mb-1">{{ title }}</h6>
  <p class="text-body-1">{{ message }}</p>

The vertical prop is here to enable us to position the h6 right above the p, instead of having them displayed side-by-side.

Also, we don’t need to worry about resetting the visible ref’s value back to false after a couple seconds, because by default, the v-snackbar will automatically do it for us after a few seconds. Applying a nice fade-out transition included! How cool is that?

But right now, we’re still unable to see the Snackbar component in action for two reasons:

  1. We haven’t placed it anywhere in our app
  2. We never call the showSnackbar function

We can tackle issue no. 1 by going to App.vue, importing the Snackbar.vue component and placing it anywhere in the template, just like this:

<script lang="ts" setup>
// ...
import Snackbar from './components/ui/Snackbar.vue';

    <!-- ... -->
    <Snackbar />

Displaying alerts on successful and failed login

But what about issue no. 2? Remember how I placed #login-error and #login-success hashes in the OAuth callback URLs in my previous article? We can check for their presence in the route’s hash and show a snackbar in appropriate color depending on the hash in the same App.vue component.

import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';

const router = useRouter();
const { showSnackbar } = useSnackbar();

onMounted(async () => {
  await router.isReady();

  const loginStatusHashes = ['#login-error', '#login-success'];
  const routeHash = router.currentRoute.value.hash;

  if (loginStatusHashes.includes(routeHash)) {
      status: routeHash.replace('#login-', '') as 'error' | 'success',
        routeHash === '#login-error'
          ? 'Failed to log you in'
          : "You're logged in"

Notice the router.isReady call. It’s necessary, because the onMounted hook can get triggered before the router’s been initalised, meaning the includes check would fail with the routeHash being an empty string.

Wrapping up

Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end! I really enjoyed coding up this system and documenting its inner workings, however simple it may be. I believe it’s a perfect showcase of the power and flexibilty of Vue 3’s composables as a perfect solution for implementing shared application state or an event bus.

I’ll see you all in the next post - take care!

Written by human, not by AI