shells and scripts part 1

date published:

category: learning modern linux

tags: linux, notes

Hey folks!

This post contains my notes from the third chapter of Learning Modern Linux book written by Michael Hausenblas. Let’s just jump into it!

Ways of working with a CLI

There are two ways in which a user can work with Linux via a CLI:

  • Manual via a terminal or a pseudo-terminal such as tty, where a human inputs commands and checks their output
  • Automatic by utilising shell scripts, which come in handy for repetitive tasks

Terminal and Terminal Emulator

Terminal is an electronic device which generally consists of a keyboard and a monitor for inputting commands and data into a computer and inspecting the output of entered commands respectively.

Terminal Emulator is an application that mimics the behaviour of a physical terminal usually via a graphical user interface or a full-screen console.


Shell is a program that interprets and executes incoming commands, handles input/output data and enables the user to enter these commands both manually and automatically via scripts.



Streams serve as a means of transporting input, output, and error data. In Linux and other Unix-like systems, every process has access to three file descriptors:

  • 0 for stdin
  • 1 for stdout
  • 2 for stderr

Redirecting to other destinations

By default, stdin is connected to the keyboard and the other two are connected to the screen. It’s possible to redirect a stream elsewhere by adding $FD>, where $FD is an appropriate file descriptor (see: list above).

If you omit $FD, stdout will get redirected to the specified destination. If you want to redirect both stdout and stderr to the same destination, use &>. And if you want to ignore a certain stream, redirect it to /dev/null.

Special characters

  • & (ampersand) will run a command in the background
  • \ (backslash) allows you to continue writing a command in a new line
  • | (pipe) allows you to pipe one command’s stdout into the following command’s stdin


Shell variables, just like in pretty much any other programming language, are used to store a piece of data under a symbolic name.

We can specify two types of variables:

  • Environment variables that are used to configure a value in some script from outside said code
  • Shell variables that are limited to the execution context of a given script

Here’s how to create a shell variable:


And here’s how to create an environment variable:


Here’s how to print a variable’s value:


Select environment and shell variables:

  • PATH - list of paths to search for executables to run
  • HOSTNAME - name of the device
  • PWD - absolute path to the current working directory
  • USER - current user’s username
  • $ - current PID
  • ? - last task’s exit code

Speaking of exit codes…

Exit Codes

Every process is expected to return a status code after exiting. Code 0 means a successful execution, whereas every code greater than or equal 1 means some sort of a failure.

Job Control

By default, every command you execute runs in the foreground, meaning it takes control over the keyboard and the screen. If you want to start a task in the background, you have to append a & to the command, or press Ctrl+Z while the task is running in the foreground.

Modern command replacements and other utils

  • exa as a replacement for ls -l
  • bat as a replacement for cat
  • ripgrep (rg) as a replacement for… well, grep
  • gtop as a performance monitor in your CLI
  • curlie as a modern enhancement of curl

Feel free to check out the modern-unix repo for more examples.

Here’s a list of some key combinations to help you navigate around your CLI:

  • Ctrl + A moves the cursor to the start of the line
  • Ctrl + E moves the cursor to the end of the line
  • Left Alt + F moves the cursor forward by a word
  • Left Alt + B moves the cursor backward by a word
  • Ctrl + U removes all the characters on the left-hand side of a cursor
  • Ctrl + K removes all the characters on the right-hand side of a cursor

File content CRUD operations

Create a file

touch cool-file.txt

Read a file

cat cool-file.txt

Overwrite a file’s content

echo 'New file content' > cool-file.txt

Append content to a file

echo 'Even more new content' >> cool-file.txt

(There’s no need to add a newline character manually)

Delete a file

rm cool-file.txt
Written by human, not by AI